Monday, October 6, 2014

Cycling 'round Norfolk

It has dive into the nerdy world of mapping out local cycling routes.

Norfolk cycling map

Click to download Norfolk cycling map

For anyone who hesitates to ride on anything other than established trails, I say you are missing out on so much glorious terrain! Beautiful open roads with no semis, cars or pedestrians in sight--urban dwellers would love to have such a thing.

This map is for anyone--not just the nerdy. I've made a goal for myself to make detailed and accurate maps available to anyone so that they can know where all these lovely paved tributaries exist. I want to help share the road and encourage other riders to get out there and take advantage. I have often been asked where I ride and when I try and explain it even to native locals, they seem perplexed as to what roads I am referring to.

The red lines indicate paved roads suitable for road bikes as well as others (road surfaces are subject to changes without notice). They allow a number of combinations to make your journey as short or as long as reasonably needed while simultaneously offering up scenic rural Nebraska beauty especially when the sky is blue and the sun is shining!

This map has no start or end points. I leave that to you to decide where you go and how you get there. This map simply provides some "officially" recommended roads around the city so you don't have to go unknowingly explore it all yourself...but by all means please do!

Stay tuned as I continue to add more to the map such as mileage and hopefully GPS equivalents for even more user-friendly options. Enjoy!